I know my neighbors are waiting

Rachael lost her job when COVID hit. Thanks to your support, she took up farming.

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December 9, 2022
Rachael lost her job when COVID hit. Thanks to your support, she took up farming.

Rachael lost her job when COVID hit. Thanks to your support, she took up farming.

Rachael used to work in a local market, selling vegetables. But when COVID-19 hit and the markets closed, she had to shut her small business down. “I was making far less money than my family was spending each day.”

She and her husband struggled to make ends meet and pay tuition for their three children.  Rachael began cultivating a small plot of their land, using a nearby river to water the garden with a bucket.

“I initially got into farming to keep myself engaged and provide vegetables for my family. The bucket was just enough to water the small area of land I was cultivating.”

But then she went with her sister to a "farming field day" to learn about irrigation pumps. At the event, Rachael learned about "The Starter Pump," an affordable irrigation system offered by our local partner KickStart. She saw the potential right away and soon purchased her new pump from a local agri-dealer. KickStart's staff came to her house to train her on proper setup and usage.

In just five months, Rachael was growing and harvesting enough kale, spinach, and coriander to start her own business.

All of a sudden, neighbors were lining up for her high-quality vegetables. “I actually turn away traders from the market because I know my neighbors are waiting,” says Rachael.

She has increased the plot of her garden, but is still struggling to meet the demand for her produce. Rachael recently hired her neighbor to help in her field, giving her a good wage.

Rachael's neighbor helping water her farm with a KickStart Starter Pump.

"I am in a better place than where I was months ago. My biggest desire is to see all my children complete school and make better lives of their own."

Rachael watering her growing garden plot in Nyeri, Kenya.


Thanks to the generosity of matching donors, every $250 raised this month will help a Kenyan farmer like Rachael access irrigation, receive training, and ultimately launch a profitable farming business.

With your help, farmers will be able to:

  • Increase their crop yield 400% in one harvest –enough to feed their family and 50 people in the community.
  • Increase their earnings from $150 to $850 per year, moving their family out of poverty and into the middle class.
  • Hire a neighbor to help with the harvest – creating more jobs!

Hunger rates and malnutrition are rapidly increasing in Kenya. With matching, a one-time gift of $250 or a monthly commitment of $21 is enough to empower a farmer to launch a business that helps feed his or hercommunity. Will you join us to meet the moment?
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